Saturday, May 31, 2008

Houston, We Have Internet!

I know it may seem that I dropped off of the blogging radar for a while, but it was only partially intentionally. The first two weeks of my blogging absence were because I didn't really have anything happy to write about, so I chose to write nothing at all. I spent those two weeks reading. I read 13 books in about 2 1/2 weeks. They're not long books, just a series that my mother and I both enjoy-- I read through again because the newest book in the series comes out on June 17. I did not intend to read them all that fast, but since it was a down period for me, I guess it worked out pretty well.
The third week of blogging absence was not intentional. My internet was not working for about a week. Stupid Charter. Why couldn't the cable go out? I don't use that NEARLY as much as the internet. Anyway, tonight when I came home and found it working again, it was the greatest reward. After spending 2 1/2 hours at the Fallon Fairgrounds for my nephew's graduation, I would have gone postal if I STILL did not have internet. After all, I have blog about the WORST graduation I've ever been to. I know this should be little surprise since the graduation was in Fallon. But I will save that story for later. For now it is time for bed.


  1. I wondered how long it would be. Glad to have you back...and on a side note , I noticed you had Five Iron Frenzy on your playlist, that's awesome! I hadn't heard those songs in a long time :)

  2. and i am happy to be listening to david cook:)
    i have heard about fallon graduations... i am sorry you were exposed to that.
    welcome back:)

  3. Welcome back. When you lost your Charter Internet (my does that too) did you try and reboot the modem or the entire system?

  4. Reboot my what? No way! I never thought of that...

    Okay, now that I'm done being snarky-- yes, I did all of that. It was actually that it had been turned off. Not the cable, just the internet. Gotta love apartments... I'll tell you all about it later.

  5. Mama sez, "Snarky is as snarky does . . ."

    But did you try rebooting?

  6. Jerkface! Can I reboot you?
