Sunday, June 08, 2008

A House is not a home...

But it certainly is a FABULOUS refuge. When I am down and feeling funky, I find great comfort in certain things. One of those things is reading. I've progressed past the reading stage and I am currently watching season one of House on DVD. I am aware that running to old episodes of House can never make me feel at home, at rest, but my brain and my emotions have checked out for the day, so this is what I am doing.

So, anyone out there who is a House fan, what is your favorite episode?


  1. I have only seen one episode, ever. It's too creepy.

  2. This year's two-part season finale has been my all-time favorite, however I only became a fan last year and am still playing catch up with reruns on USA Network.

  3. matty- what episode did you see? I'm curious since you describe it as "creepy".

    plucky- that was a good one-- if you'd like to catch up faster you can always borrow the DVD's

    I have a favorite for each season because I can't choose an ABSOLUTE favorite:
    Season 1- Three Stories
    Season 2- All In
    Season 3- Fetal Position
    Season 4- House's Head/Wilson's Heart (Two Part season finale)

  4. I like the House episode where Foreman gets the illness that is fatal and how House solves it. I couldn't find the title ;)

  5. erica- you're fired! :)
    The title is Euphoria.

  6. sorry, not a fan.
