Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Small Surprises

Recently I have had a few small and happy surprises in my life. I have been having a difficult time, but despite that, there have been some good things that have cropped up during all of it. Due to the recent use of bullet points by others, I will use numbers instead, just to be different. :)
1) A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail at work letting me know that there was an open position in claims. My manager encouraged me to apply and I interviewed with the claims manager about two weeks ago. During the interview, the claims manager told me that there were over 100 applicants for the position-- this pretty much left me thinking I had no chance. I mean, it's not a promotion, just a lateral transfer, but still, I know I don't interview well and so I assumed I would not be chosen. But last Thursday I found out I was chosen. So beginning June 23rd, I will be working in claims. NO MORE PHONES! YAY!
2) I have been developing a more meaningful friendship with somebody who has been my friend for years. She came back into my life at just the right time-- we both have very similar lives/issues/ concerns-- and that has brought us closer.
3) Okay, so maybe it's a good thing I didn't use bullet points... I can't remember what else I was going to say! It was a good day, I've had a bit of wine and I came home and decided to put a movie on. But when I went to look through my movies, I really felt like watching First Wives' Club, which resulted in me having to break into my VHS tapes. Oh well. I guess I should go to bed...

Good night and good luck!


  1. I can tell from your post that you are in a good place right now:) I am happy for you. I am hurt that you wouldn't use bullet points though... you really don't know what you're missing.

  2. p.s. congrats on the new job.

  3. It seems like a waste to use bullet points for three whole points, one of which wasn't even really a point... :)

  4. Great news on the new position! Nice!!

  5. How exciting about your new position at work! I'm really happy for you. I'm jealous at the wine you can have though, but I'm happy you enjoyed your evening

  6. plucky- you're not being terribly plucky recently... I kind of miss it. I don't recognize you in this kind encouraging form... :)

    Erica- I promise I will buy a FABULOUS bottle of wine that you and I can enjoy after "The Hulk" is born and you're done with the feeding. Okay, so it will be a while-- But on the positive side, it's less than a WEEK until we have coffee... :)

  7. congrats on the new position jeni. i am really happy for you. your blog made me smile. especially the bit of wine part. why do we blog when we have had a bit of wine? that can be dangerous. yours was very well kept together so i am assuming you really didnt have too much.

  8. Hooray for No Phones! I Heart No Phones also!

  9. noel- it was enough wine to cause me to use the wrong spelling of "there" throughout the post which I had to go back and correct before I posted it, but not enough to make me not notice... I think I caught them all...

    scoey- I heart that you just said "I heart..." He he he
