Monday, July 28, 2008

Strange.... And Yet I Cried...

Yes, I know it will come as no surprise to most of you that I cried-- I always cry. No need to remind me of that. But this time, it was not about me being emo. It was actually me watching a movie. A very strange movie. If any of you have seen Lars and the Real Girl you will know exactly what I am talking about. Who would have thought that a movie about a man who falls in love with a life size doll could have such a good message.
I won't tell too much, just in case anyone intends to watch the movie, but basically, Lars takes the doll as his girlfriend, the brother takes him to a psychologist, the psychologist tells the family that they need to play along as long as Lars needs them to. The family gets the town to cooperate as well, and the town ends up loving the doll, too-- And at one point Lars gets in a fight with his sister-in-law because his doll has gone out to do things with some other people in town and she isn't home to play Scrabble with him. And the sister-in-law tells him that doing all of this for "Bianca" (the doll) is not easy, but the townspeople are doing it because they love him.
So the thinking part of that moment is this: What things do other people do for us out of love that we may not even recognize-- that we may even resent? And why do we have such a hard time accepting and recognizing love unless it's right underneath our noses-- and sometimes even when it is under our noses we don't recognize it.

Just a thought for today...


  1. agree that this was a very good movie.

  2. good thoughts, Jeni. Sounds like a great movie. I'll take that on my chick flick list ;).

  3. i cried at that movie too so you are in good company. i was mad too cause my mom said it was funny. emma and moses were laughing at me, whatever!!

  4. Hooray! Jeni's back!
