Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting things in order

Today, after ending my month and a half long television on DVD binge (which actually ended last Thursday after I finished season 7 of Gilmore Girls), I found myself in a cleaning mood. I cleaned the refrigerator. I folded almost all of the clothes on my bedroom floor. There are still some clothes on my living room floor, but I agreed to myself that I would stop at 9pm. I intend to continue cleaning tomorrow and the next day until I have my apartment organized in a manner that will allow me to function again. When I get depressed I kind of shut down and stop doing anything. I don't clean. I don't cook. I don't go out. I don't do anything. The problem is, that then when I'm done being mopey, things have become TOO overwhelming and so I don't know where to start getting back on track, and so I just ignore it even longer.
The reality is that in the year and a half that I have lived here, I still haven't found a place for everything, which is why it gets so overwhelming and why my apartment always looks like there was an explosion... I need to find a place for everything so that I know exactly where I can go to sit and write, or where I can grab my gym clothes and running shoes. Ugh. Probably I should get rid of some things, which might make the process of finding a place for everything a little bit easier-- but I'm horrible of getting rid of things. And when it comes to clothes I always end up regretting about half of what I get rid of. For example, two years ago, I got rid of my fat clothes-- but now I need my fat clothes again. Now I don't want to get rid of my non-fat clothes because I'm sure I'll need them again since I'm back on my pills and I really can't afford to buy new clothes again.
So things to do to get things in order:
1) Figure out what items I can get rid of.
2) Find a place for all remaining items.
3) Set up desk with all necessary writing supplies and utensils
4) Restock refrigerator with healthy food, eliminate all foods that contain the word "cream" because the result of eating said foods is quite unpleasant...
5) Find a suitable alternative to yogurt (which no longer agrees with me) for breakfast.
6) Establish if there are any other food items that no longer agree with me. Jerks.
7) Ease my way back into running and hope it works out better than the great walking fiasco this spring. All summer I have been sticking to the bike and the pool, so hopefully things are good to move back into running. We'll see...

That is all.


  1. I love getting rid of stuff, probably to much. I like the idea of non-clutter so throwing away clutter was contagious. Unfortunately, I have lost a few treasures I wish I cold bring back.

  2. I'm with Erica. I like going through things, giving some away, throwing out other stuff. Sometimes I don't like going through the process, but the end result is always nice.

  3. I don't mind sorting through stuff if I have someone to keep me company while I'm doing it, but if I am alone I end up reading through old writing and comparing how emo I used to be to how emo I am now. If you think I'm emo now, you should read my high school diary... Hilarious!
