Thursday, August 07, 2008

Another Sleepless Night

It is almost 3 am. I have to be to work in about 4.5 hours and I have yet to fall asleep. I should be exhausted. I walked to and from work, then to Whole Foods for some shopping and upon my return, I spent the rest of the evening cleaning. I finished cleaning for the night at about 10:45 and headed off to bed. By 12:30 I still had not fallen asleep, so I decided to get up and work on my entry for the essay contest in Real Simple magazine. It's not like I'll actually win, but there's no chance if I don't try, so I'm going for it. I thought I would get tired working on the essay, but no--instead I wrote six pages (handwritten) that have to be edited and shaved down to 1500 words. And I still was not tired. That was at 2 am. I'm almost ready to just give up and stay up until I have to go to work. But that never makes for a good work day. So here I am blogging about sleep, hoping that if I say the word enough times, it will actually make me want to sleep. So I think I hear my pillow calling me back for another attempt.

Good night and good luck!


  1. I hear you girl when it comes to sleepless nights. The other night around 5 am (I'd been up since 1 am) I just decided to stay up to see the sunrise. You're right it doesn't make for a good rest of the day. I'm excited about your essay!

  2. I'm sorry about your sleeplessness too, but how exciting you are entering a writing contest! You go girl!!

  3. i can never fall asleep when i really want to. i might be the worst sleeper ever.

  4. Sometimes when I am over-exhausted and have been super busy, I can't fall asleep either... But I will usually take something to help that because without sleep, I am very, very cranky:)
