Sunday, August 10, 2008

Things to Come

Coming up soon, I am going to be providing my readers with tales of some "interesting" roommates I had back before I decided that living alone would be in my best interest. If you are not interested in my roommate experiences, too bad. Blame Erica... She told me I should write about them. He he he.
But before I am allowed to write those thrilling tales, I have to edit my essay for the Real Simple essay contest. The question was "What was the most important day of your life?" and the contest deadline is September 9. After I get my essay sufficiently edited and sent off, then I can write the roommate stories. For those of you interested in reading my essay, you can either ask me about it and I will send it to you, or you can wait until I find out that I didn't win, and then I will post the essay on my blog.
I also found another essay contest that I am planning on entering. It is for Glamour magazine and the deadline is December 31st. That one offers the winner the opportunity to meet with a literary agent. Again, I doubt I have much chance of winning, but (almost) every writer gets many rejections before they get paid for any of their writing, so I will use the cliche statement "nothing ventured, nothing gained" and I will proceed. This essay contest asks writers to simply provide a "real-life story." For this contest, I think I am going to write about the journey to find joy in a life that is nothing like I had imagined it would be or planned it to be. I did not plan on being 29 and single was not anywhere on my timeline (yes, I know I am not 29 yet, but I will be by the time I start work on that essay. And it's not like 28 and single was any more of a walk in the park)-- It was supposed to be something like married by 25, first kid by 28, done with kids by 35 at which time I would be able to stay at home and write for some additional income while caring for the children and the home. I know this goes against the feminist ideal that a lot of my female friends stand for, and usually I do, too, but that is really what I had imagined my life would be like. And most of the time, it's okay that it's not-- but every once in a while, like when another friend announces their engagement, or a pregnancy, or buying their first home with their husband, I get a little bit sad that I am missing all of these things. And my life is a constant journey/battle to try to find peace and joy in my life, just as it is. So this is what my essay will be about for the second essay contest.
Oh, and I am considering re-opening the Cross & Quill blog for all of you writers out there, just for the fun of it. I'll post writing topics on there every once in a while, just like I used to. This is not definite--just something I'm considering.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


  1. I think that's a great idea for a blog series and I'm looking forward to reading it.

  2. ah roommate stories.

    have you heard the one about the roommate who cried during sex (and somehow we all managed to hear about it)?

    how about the one about the roommate who i saw one too many times (it was only once - but that was indeed one to many) walking to the dryer in his tighty whities sporting his morning wood to get his work pants when he thought no one would be up?

    or about the never settled debate as to whether the one roommate was masturbating or simply pissing in his shoe in the closet after having a bit too much to drink?

    ah, roommates. can't wait to hear yours.

  3. plucky- thanks for stopping by!

    diga- sounds like you could do your own series on roommates.

  4. i can't wait to hear about the adventures with your roomates and how you did on your essay.
