Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Reward Upon Completion

Today Season 4 of House came out on DVD. I had intended to wait until after my essay was finished before I bought it, figuring it would be a reward-- but then I realized if I waited I would be paying 10-15 dollars more for it because it is always cheaper when it first comes out. So today I bought the DVDs, saving 10 dollars, plus also acquiring a 5.00 dollar Target gift card with my purchase. Here's the catch-- I am not allowed to WATCH the DVDs until after I finish my essay. Right now I am working on take 2 of my second draft. I have a lot to cut, and my first attempt at a second draft was getting longer rather than shorter. So my deadline for myself is August 31. I have 12 days to finish.

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

1 comment:

  1. Jeni, motivating yourself via witholding pleasure raises and important (and I'm just being a smart aleck) question . . .

    Self-flagellation (taken to a whole new level) -or- an exemplary example of Christian discipline?
