Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I may be stubborn, but I am not left-handed

So, as many of ya'll know, I had a minor incident last week resulting in what is more than likely a fractured elbow. Apparently with this type of elbow injury, which is caused by falling and landing on outstretched arms, essentially jamming the elbow, a fracture is rarely detected on the initial x-ray, and therefore additional x-rays have to be done at a later time if mobility has not significantly improved in about a week. So tomorrow, I will go to the orthopedic clinic for my additional x-rays and more thorough examination. If they are as gentle as the x-ray technician at the hospital, I'm imagining this will be something akin to torture.

Now you may be wondering about the extraordinarily talented thing I may have done to injure myself in such a way, and I have to tell you, the kids at church (and perhaps one adult!) were very helpful in coming up with some stories that are FAR more exciting than the reality.
1) I was skydiving.
2) I was wrestling an alligator in Florida.
3) I fell off of a building.
4) Rollerderby

The reality is that my toe caught in the opposite leg of my pajama pants and I kind of flew, landing on my outstretched arms, primarily the right, and ended up on the floor. That is the best description I can give as it happened so incredibly fast that there was no thought involved until I was already on the floor. I can tell you, however, that it was my black thermal Tinkerbell pajama pants that caused the fall. Is that enough detail for you?

I thought I just had a sore muscle from catching myself on the floor, but as the evening went on it was apparent this was not the case. I was going to try suck it up and see how I felt on Thursday, but when I laid down to go to sleep, all those little moves that you don't realize that you're making were killer. So my dad came and picked me up and I officially checked in for my first ever ER visit at 12:02 am on Thursday. It went fairly quickly and I was home by 1:30 am with my arm wrapped up to look like a limb of the Michelin Man.

Since Thursday, it has become apparent to anyone who didn't previously know, that I am too darn stubborn for my own good. Some of my friends as well as my parents have at moments, become irritated by my refusal to allow them to help me. I just like taking care of myself-- even when I was a child, when I was sick I would still get up and get my own juice or crackers or 7-up. It's just the way I am. Even though I am not a lefty, I'm doing my best to function like one because life does not get put on hold because I was so incredibly ungraceful that I tripped over the pajamas I was wearing. It may earn me a lifetime ride pass for the short bus, but that's about it.

Well, that's all for now. Think good thoughts for me tomorrow when I go to see the orthopedic specialist-- hopefully they'll put me in something smaller and easier to manage. Ironically enough, right as I was typing that, there was a Michelin commercial on TV featuring the Michelin Man. He he he he he!


  1. ahh, hope you get better soon. Those are the best kinds of accidents, the kind that your initial reaction is to make up a good story about what happened.

  2. I like the rollerderby story ;).
