Monday, September 22, 2008

Some random things...

* I am currently reading a book written by Hugh Laurie (yes, as in House) in 1996. Who knew that Hugh Laurie wrote a spoof spy novel? I found it on the buy two get one free table (which I, of course, frequent) and I had to buy it.
* I am happy that I can watch House tomorrow rather than taping it. Because usually it's on at the same time as the Dancing with the Stars results show, but since it starts earlier this season... HOORAY for Lazy Tuesday!
* And on Lazy Tuesday there will be far too much hotness for me to handle. This may be highly inappropriate but in addition to a couple of the pros, there is also one particularly tasty celebrity. Tasty because he's a cook-- and he's sizzling hot. He he he... enough cooking jokes. Then there's House. I think I'm drooling already just thinking about tomorrow's television viewing. Wednesday it will be back to reading.
* Ugh. Moving stresses me out. Moving when I'm not fully functional-- Ay caramba! My goal is to call somebody every time the stress makes me feel like eating something unhealthy. I've been quite good lately, though mostly only because things are not agreeing with me anymore and I'm trying to figure out what items cause problems and which are okay.
* And following that previous thought, what's up with that? All of a sudden after I turned 28 my body has started rebelling against me in every way possible. I guess now that I'm 29 I need to work harder to fix that.
* I don't want to wait until January to find out about the essay contest. I don't know why I care because the odds that I will win are probably in the negative numbers, but for some reason I have this tiny glimmer of hope floating around inside of my head. And I know that now matter what happens, I've done something good because I actually followed through on that goal.
* I have decided that I think that all people should be taught to be ambidextrous from the time they are small children. It would make life a lot easier.
* I am not a clumsy person. Following my recent incident, people have made many jokes about my clumsiness and for some reason it really bugs me even though I know I'm not clumsy. Yes, I had a singular clumsy moment, but that is not my nature. I generally don't drop things, trip over things or lose my balance. I have never done ANYTHING like that before and will hopefully never do anything like that again. I have no idea why I'm so touchy about that, but every time somebody makes a clumsy joke, it makes me cranky. Maybe because I've been trying so hard to laugh off the fact that I was ungraceful enough to catch my toe in my opposite leg pajama pants that it's made it seem like the kind of thing that happens to me all of the time--even though it doesn't.
* My co-workers make me happy. On the claims side of the building, everyone is so much more easy going and nobody really hates their job. Also, they're not so much girly-girls with all the gossip and cattiness that was predominant on the customer service side. Most of the claims women are the low maintenance and quirky types. Still almost all women, but much easier to get along with women. Very pleasant. At least there's no stress in that part of my life.
* As much crazy stuff that's going on with me recently, I am actually quite happy. I suppose being loved by people around you can do that. I feel like recently I've stopped focusing so much on the love that I don't have (romantic love) and more on the love I do (God's love, family love, love of friends). Hopefully I can keep on with this, because it feels pretty darn good.
* What, you expected me to keep coming up with random things? No way! It's time for bed!


  1. So now your are touchy and clumsy . . . And I thought you were just clumsy . . . :-)

    tee hee

    (laugh with me, Jeni . . . laugh with me)

  2. no problem, plucky-- I'll laugh with you-- right after I kick you in the shin... :)

  3. I looked forward to watching House the entire day as well. Hey if the book is any good, may I have a read?

  4. Erica-- of course you may!
