Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Elbow-gate 2008

So I just got home from having my Jolly Green Giant appendage removed, and I have to say, doctors irritate the crap out of me. Last week, they told me that they did not see anything on the x-ray but they were treating it as a radial head fracture based on the symptoms, type of accident and lack of being better. They said that with that type of fracture, it is commonly not seen on early x-rays and sometimes not seen at all if it's small and they just treat based on the symptoms. Today they say no fracture after all, but a moderate to severe sprain which apparently works out worse for me because apparently elbow sprains are not at all common and it takes an especially talented person to do such a thing. Apparently elbow fractures are more common than sprains and that's why they go there first. (Click on the links above to see the items I found online supporting what they told me... Okay, so I'm too anal for my own good...) Then, just a couple of minutes later-- the fracture could be there, but it would heal more quickly than the sprain... Make up your minds already!!!
So, now the Jolly Green Giant appendage is gone and replaced with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I thought I would be happy to be free of the thing, but honestly, it feels worse to have no support-- except of course the happy little sling from the ER that the PA told me to use-- is it normal to be nervous about being liberated? Because I'm terrified! I guess that freedom can always lead to fear...
So my physical therapy starts on Monday and I am on lifting restriction for 6-8 weeks. No lifting, pushing, pulling, turning-- just bending and straightening exercises along with rotations. Oh yeah, and apparently it's best not to drive because this can result in lifting, pushing, pulling and turning, even if you try to avoid it. And to quote the PA that I saw today-- "And no lifting means no lifting. Not even so much as an empty coffee cup." Hmm... I wonder how I'm going to pack those empty coffee cups. He he he... Apparently this is to be re-evaluated in 1 month, which happens to be the day before I move. This should be interesting. But the PT will work with me to start lifting and all the other normal movements... I'm considering attempting to re-establish my average for bowling left-handed...
On the positive side, the left-handed diet seems to be working out pretty well. I'm down 9 lbs in two weeks... It's amazing how much less you feel like eating when eating is such hard work. Ha ha ha! I wonder if a fork also falls under the lifting restriction. Maybe an empty fork is okay, but a full fork-- don't even think about it. Okay, so now I'm just being a little bit silly. I need to in order to stay sane!

If you are reading this, please pray for peace for me. This is too much stuff happening all at once and I just need to keep on pushing along. I was actually feeling mostly calm until after my appointment. I think the reality of the no lifting and its effects on moving are beginning to sink in. I'm doing my best to take it one day at a time. And one coffee mug at a time... :)


  1. I'm not sure Dr. House would agree with that diagnosis, but what can you do . . .

  2. You're right-- Dr. House would never be interested to begin with. There's nothing interesting about an elbow. Unless of course there's some crazy flesh-eating virus... He he he...

  3. I bet the doctors are trying to cover their butt so they diagnose you with both 2 problems just in case :)..

    So no more lifting coffee mugs for you jeni, or anything else as it appears :)

    you know my car is always available. I got Caden's permission to say that ;)
