Monday, September 29, 2008

The little things

*My elbow dimple is starting to come back, and it's barely yellow now-- almost back to its pasty off-white color. Yay!
*I started my physical therapy today. It was pretty crappy, but not as bad as I thought, which I guess is good. We are working on getting comfortable with the full range of movement right now. My next appointment is Thursday and I will only have to request 15 minutes off from work. I'm sure the scheduling lady will love that one. :)
*I ate sushi left handed today. It was quite entertaining. The kind man at the sushi place gave me the chopsticks like the kids use that are kind of like big tweezers...
*Right now I am watching Dancing with the Stars. It is almost time for Mr. Tasty, I mean Rocco.
*This week I am hoping to start the series on my roommates of the past that I had promised. I had intended to start that a few weeks ago before the whole moving/elbow/everything going wrong fiasco. I'll probably get to that about Thursday-ish.
*Two more contests I'm intending to enter this year. The first is the Writer's Digest Short Short Fiction contest, with a December 9 deadline and the second is the Glamour magazine essay contest with a December 31 deadline. Mainly, this is about setting goals and meeting them.
*Another thing I am (being forced to) work on is asking for and accepting help. I am quite stubborn and do not like handing over control. I like to know exactly when and how things are going to get done and I'm having to let go of that for this move because I cannot do everything. I have to just have faith that things will be okay and everything will get done. I have to be patient with myself which is also not something that I am good at. I tend to expect much more of myself than I would of any other person that I know. Me and my darned unrealistic expectations... :P
*I am looking forward to moving and going jogging in the park across the street from my new apartment. Because the industrial jungle on the path I follow here at this apartment does nothing to motivate me to keep on pushing--Not that I've been going out for the last few weeks anyhow, but still... I am also looking forward to the indoor hot tub at my new apartment complex. And good, non-Starbucks coffee within walking distance.
*The fortune cookie that I ate this evening (they gave me three with my Chinese food on Friday-it was the only part of the order that didn't make me sick...) said "The hard times will begin to fade. Joy will take their place."
*Happy Monday!


  1. I didn't know you were a non-starbucks coffee gal :). Cheers for the indoor hot tub! That alone would be reason enough to move

  2. Erica- don't get me wrong, I actually love Starbucks also, but it's nice to have something every once in a while that's not Starbucks. And Kona Coffee (which is the one right by my new apartment) is really good... :)

  3. Hey Jeni! I too have been called to ask for help in EVERY area of my life that I need help in. In the past I felt that my problems weren't "important" enough to ask for help about. That is a lie. Anything that is hindering me from receiving all that God wants for me is not coming from Him. Now when people ask if I need help or prayer I stop & listen and if something comes to my mind or heart I take them up on thier offer. I am finding there is freedom in asking for help, not only for me but for the person who wants to help too! Thanks for sharing. :)
