Thursday, May 07, 2009

I thought I was going to have to move again

Okay-- I was kidding... Kidding. Don't freak out... I'm not really moving again.

But the reason for that header:
So this morning, I went to work early for some overtime-- started at about 6:30, which is WAAAAAAAYYYYY early for me-- and when I walked into the building one of my supervisors sees me and says-- "Oh, I was just thinking of you." Then one of my co-workers stands up and yells across the rows of cubes, "JENI! You're not 'sploded!" So I look at her, puzzled and say, "And good morning to you, too!"

Then my supervisor proceeds to tell me that one of the buildings in my apartment complex exploded...

So I went online to find the news story, just to make sure I didn't have to move again... :)
This morning they were saying that an explosion that may have been caused by a gas leak, but as the day went on and the investigators investigated, this is what they found:

How stupid can you get

At least I don't live in the same building as that lady!

1 comment:

  1. Freaky close . . . I'm glad you're okay . . .
