Sunday, May 03, 2009

Things I didn't do before

Over the last year, I've taken steps to be more outgoing, to reach out more, to talk to people and invite them to things despite the fear that they will say no. And over the last year, I've come to realize that if people do say no, it's probably not personal-- my head always knew this, but my heart was less rational. And I've also realized that when people say no, or bail on a plan at the last minute or whatever the case may be, it is their loss-- not mine. I can still have a great time doing whatever.
Today I did something a bit more unusual for me. I have become comfortable with reaching out to people I know and trust-- but reaching out to new people, meeting new people is still a challenge, but today, I found myself asking a complete stranger (a rather attractive one, at that :D) to join us for communion simply because I noticed he was alone. I didn't even think about it as anything unusual until after the fact. And that was when I realized that something has changed within me and I couldn't be happier.
I look forward to the excitement that will come as I continue to change and continue to willingly approach new people. I'm curious to discover what sort of opportunities this changed behavior will bring about. I pray that it will last-- that I won't just retreat back into my cave when things get tough. Only time will tell.


  1. I'm proud of you Jeni . . .

  2. Cheers for Jeni! Oh man and I was in the nursery this past week...of all weeks!!!

  3. That is awesome Jeni. I bet it feels great to realize that you really have grown.

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