Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I Wanna Be a Troll

Sounds weird, right?  Because who really wants to be a troll?  But I do.  I want to be a troll.  Not just any troll.  The pink troll from the Trolls movie.  We haven't seen the movie yet, but because I have a toddler, we have seen every trailer and song from the movie roughly 876 times.  One of the songs is called "Get Back Up Again."  In the video for this song, the pink troll comes across obstacle after obstacle.  She ends up puffing up like a balloon and getting so wrapped up in a web of junk that she looks like she's in a cocoon.  And she's still singing, "I will get back up again."

I want to be that troll.  I feel like I generally have the "get back up again" attitude.  I don't tend to wallow around in the more of what I have going on.  I am pretty consistent in trying to grow and change.  What I'm missing that this troll has is the joyful demeanor throughout the journey.  When I get knocked down by the troubles of this world, I want to get out, but I tend to complain first.  And I tend to continue until I begin to SEE the forward progress and the change.  I don't find joy in the journey until I'm far enough in that I believe that I will make it.

I want to be that troll who starts out on the journey with a joyful confidence.  I should have a joyful confidence, knowing that I can depend on God to guide me through any journey that he sets before me.  But most of the time I don't.  Most of the time I start out the journey with a "why me" attitude and part way through the journey, I look back and see all the times that God helped me through the journey and THEN I find my joyful confidence.  So basically, I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

Right now I'm starting out on a new journey and I want to start it out right.  I am recovering from my peroneal tendon repair surgery and it's time to begin the rehab process.  I have been so frustrated by being so inactive for so long, but I can't let that steal my joy.  I need to look forward.  My doctor said that it would be a "good goal" to be up for CrossFit and/or running in about six months.  Six months is a LONG time to avoid doing the only fitness activities that have ever helped me lose weight, but it is what it is.  So I'm looking forward to trying out some new things to try to fill that time and still get back to being active.  I've never been a great swimmer, but not being able to do much else will give me a great excuse to get better at it and to keep my eyes on God from the start rather than on the distance I have to cover.

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