Monday, April 10, 2017

Sounds Like Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays

I know that Monday is in and of itself not capable of inflicting harm. It's a concept and nothing more. But this Monday lived up to every cliché about Mondays you have ever heard.  It started off with Linnea waking up very early this morning right before my alarm went off at 4:50 am.  She wanted to be cuddled which was probably the best part of my day even if it got me off to a late start.  When I finally got up, I couldn't find the shorts I wanted to wear.  No big deal - just find something else.

Next, I started work at 5:45 to find some less than pleasant projects with my name on them.  Oh well.  Just another day.  Head down and focus for a little while before physical therapy.  Ah, physical therapy.  That was another beast entirely.  It has been three weeks since my cast come off and I started physical therapy, so naturally I should be running marathons already, right?  Obviously not, but I am working hard to get back to my life and I had a bit of a breakdown at therapy today when the PT assistant got me set up o. The SAME THING I HAD DONE FOR THE LAST SIX APPOINTMENTS.  How can I possibly get better if I don't do more challenging things?!  Fortunately I have a very understanding physical therapist who graciously explained to me the standards for treatment of my particular injury.  He explained that he knew I COULD do more than I had done but they have to follow certain guidelines.  I wish I would have known that so I didn't melt down like a complete lunatic in front of my therapist.

Once I got home, things continued to go downhill.  Linnea was behaving like a typical two year old which resulted in some less than stellar parenting on my part followed by a less than stellar marriage moment which included me slamming the door.  Way to go, me.  Because that's how mature adults respond to conflict.  I was so worked up that my hands were shaking, so the logical thing to do was to start getting dinner ready to go in the slow cooker and chop an onion.  Smart choice, right.  Fortunately I narrowly missed cutting my finger but it was close.  Like so close that the knife actually touched my finger.  Clearly anger is SOOOO God for my decision making skills.  As I was adding ingredients to the slow cooker, I discovered I was short two cans of tomatoes.  Sigh.

I had to tuck my tail between my legs and go ask Josh to either watch Linnea or go get the tomatoes ASAP.  Once the tomatoes were home and added to the chili, things calmed down for a while until the evening when Linnea once again changed from Jekyl to Hyde and began throwing thing, including a miniature desk fan.  She had refused to nap which always leads to a bit of a meltdown in the evening.  But once she calmed down we had dinner and she cuddled with me while we took silly pictures on Snapchat.  Then she fell asleep on me before 8:00.  It was a fun and cleansing end to a truly MONDAY sort of Monday.

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