Thursday, October 05, 2017

Hidden in a Flesh Suit - My Battle with P.C.O.S. - Introduction

I've been pondering writing about this for quite some time but I have put it off repeatedly.  Partially out of pride, because it's kind of an embarrassing thing to talk about.  Partially because I wanted to fully wrap my head around what I wanted to say because it's an emotional topic for me, also.  And partially because I've been afraid - afraid that nobody would be interested, or even care, afraid that I would put myself out there to only hear crickets in response, afraid that people will think that I'm whiny or making excuses.  But today is the day I need to stop being afraid and stop caring about all of those things.  Because I feel like this is a struggle that God has put it on my heart to share.

For those of you who don't know what P.C.O.S. is, it is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.  It sounds like a painful problem that would affect my ovaries, right?  But really, it is so much more than that.  It is a hormonal condition that is generally caused by an imbalance in the male and female hormones in a woman's body.  It can cause irregular periods, "cysts" in the ovaries that are actually empty egg follicles because ovulation does not occur regularly, weight gain and difficulty losing weight, elevated risk of diabetes due to insulin resistance, facial hair, acne, sleep problems, depression and anxiety and infertility.  So the name is a bit misleading because as you can see, it impacts a WHOLE lot more than just the ovaries.

So what I will be sharing is my experience with the condition as well as the stigmas associated with it.  It truly feels like a losing battle some days because no matter how much work I put in, it's not going away.  I look forward to sharing more and I hope that you will come along on my journey!

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