Saturday, September 12, 2020

A New Adventure

 Hello Friends!  Long time, no see!  I am fully aware that I have been completely neglecting my blog for quite a while, but recently an acquaintance from church posted on Facebook about a book that seemed like a good opportunity to get me back into the groove of regularly writing.  The book is called My Unedited Writing Year: 365 Invitations to Free Your Creativity and the Writer Within.  (By Hope Lyda)

The plan is to use this as a springboard to get me back into a regular writing practice now that I have dealt with many of the things that have been holding me back these last several years.  I will share some of the more amusing writings here on my f blog (which will be mostly for my sake since I'm pretty sure that nobody reads this anymore) and hopefully I can power through it even when life is pulling me in seven different directions.  I have a tendency to give up the things that are important to me when somebody close to me needs something.  I have struggled with boundaries and I am working to try to care for myself so that I can be stronger and more energized to care for others.  So let's kick this thing off with a few affirmations that I just need to keep reminding myself of (cue cheesy inspirational music):

My dreams are important to me.

I was made for this.

I will honor my commitment to myself

I will finish this journey one step at a time.

Alright - that's enough of that.  Cut the music.  Let's get this show on the road.  

Today I will be sharing the writing I did in response to the particularly cheesy prompt offered up for day 3.

Ding-Dong Special Delivery?

A miniature poodle is sitting on your porch.  On her forehead is a sticky note which reads: "Read me, then feed me."  A scroll is clipped to her jeweled collar.  What does it say and what happens next?

I was just returning home from my afternoon run, eager to get a cool drink of water and sprawl out on the couch.  As I approached the front door, I noticed something white and furry on the second step of my porch.  I advanced slowly to see what it was and when I was about three feet away, the fluffy bundle suddenly leapt to its feet and charged at me.  I let out the breath I had been holding, and eyed the creature before me.  I was temporarily relieved when I saw that it was only a miniature poodle - then I remembered that I strongly dislike miniature poodles.  Not because I'm afraid of them, but I certainly didn't want it hanging around in my neighborhood.  All that yapping and squealing.  No way.  

And what was up with the note on it's head?  Or perhaps I should say HER head, because only a SHE would wear that hideous bejeweled collar.  And what's that clipped to her collar?  A scroll?  Oh heck no.  I will not let this annoying creature weasel her way into my home, no matter how sweet she looks.  I crouched down and crept closer to this intruder and when I was close enough, I reached out my front paw and smacked her.  BAM!  Right in the nose.  As I slinked away from the scene of the crime I could heat her whimpers growing quieter and quieter as she scuttled away, surely off to find another unsuspecting family to fall for her pathetic cute and cuddly act.  

As I rubbed against the bottom rail on my way up the front stairs, I noticed that she had dropped her scroll as she ran away scared.  I managed to unroll it with my front paws and inside I found only three words - YOU'RE NEXT, CAT!


  1. Looking forward to reading your blog friend. You are very talented and a blessing to many. I am hooked and want to read more so keep writing.
    Love you-LINDA

  2. Great story! I loved being surprised that you were writing as the cat!

    1. Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it!
