Monday, September 14, 2020

The Funny Thing About Clean Slates

My Unedited Writing Year Day 6 

What you may know about me already if you've known me for a while (and you may not know if you don't know me well) is that God occasionally gives me songs.  I am an average singer and I cannot play any instruments beyond a difficulty level of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which makes this all the more amusing, because I am literally the only person who knows how the songs sound.  I hear snippets in my head with full instruments and such, but I cannot possibly express any of that - only the lyrics.

So - for today's writing prompt if was just a "word of the day" (or "phrase of the day") with no additional guidance.  I originally started a story and couldn't think of anything that wasn't really cheesy, but was writing the first sentence when this song came to me.  I will warn you, it's probably really bad because I usually just get a snippet and I'm left to fill in the rest, but I actually like the premise (which was one of the snippet I got).  Second warning:  Some of this came to me in my head as a rap - I'm not sure why since I'm usually not a huge rap fan, but none the less, that is what I heard.  So, without further ado the unedited rough rough rough rough rough rough rough draft of this song that came to me about the phrase "clean slate."

The Funny Thing About Clean Slates


I once was a slave to my sin 

Then I found a new way, a new friend

But I just keep messing up again and again

And I can't figure out when my new life begins

(Sing/Chorus 1)

The funny thing about clean slates

Is there's always a trace 

Of the past you can't face

The funny thing about clean slates

Is that you can't run and hide

From the fears you've denied


I know that God has shown me his love

But I can't help but feel that I've never enough

For our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven above

And I can't stop trying to prove that I'm tough

(Chorus 1)

Because the funny thing about clean slates

Is there's always a trace 

Of the past you can't face

The funny thing about clean slates

Is that you can't run and hide

From the fears you've denied

(Bridge) (x3?)

You have a purpose

There is true meaning

You will get through this

Sin is defeated


I can't run away from the pain that I feel

But I've learned over time that God will heal

All the wounds I've kept hidden when I finally reveal

What I've been pushing away, refusing to feel

(Chorus 2) 

The funny thing about clean slates

Is that God shows His grace

Through what we try to erase

The funny thing about clean slates

Is God using our hurts

To bring others new birth

The funny thing about clean slates

Is that God leaves us our stories

To help bring Him glory

That's it for now.  If you've read this far, I can only say THANK YOU for putting up with what is probably the worse rap you've ever heard/imagined.  Tune in next time for another episode of my journey through My Unedited Writing Year.  

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