Monday, September 28, 2020

God Is,,,

And I'm back.  I haven't forgotten to share my writing from My Unedited Writing Year, I just haven't had anything that seemed blog-worthy over the last 10 days of exercises.  But today, my friends, is the day I finally felt bloggable again.  So, bloggable may not be a real word, but oh well - I'm a CREATIVE writer, not a journalist.  😉  

Anyway, back to the task at hand. Today is day 20 of this journey, and the prompt for today was to write a "God is" list using metaphors, characteristics, etc.  Just a little disclaimer - since this is a writing exercise, I was shooting for more creative ways to describe God rather than verses that already describe God.  And now that all of that is out of the way, I present my God is list.

- God is more beautiful than the most heavenly sunset
- God is the architect of all, with designs so grand our imaginations could not capture even a sliver of them.
- God is my knight in shining armor.  He rescued me from the tower of darkness and showed me that light existed.
- God is a greater father than all earthly fathers combined.  
- God is mind-blowing and unpredictable.
- God is intensely personal - He sees us bare and unkempt and does not turn away.  He sees the minute details of our lives and cares about them.  He sees our fragile hearts and holds them gently in His hands.
- God is the original creative mind - designer, author, painter, sculptor, composer, and everything in between.
- God is the friend we are designed to need, but the friend we don't invite out with us.
- God is not our life raft - He is the ocean, powerful and consuming.
- God is the champion for the underdogs.  He lifts them up when the world beats them down.
- God is our ultimate defender.  He will fight for us when nobody else does.
- God is infinity - and beyond.  (Okay, so I had to toss a funny one in!)
- God is the joy in our successes and our struggles.
- God is exceedingly patient with us, the petulant children who regularly disobey and ignore Him.  Imagine if our children disobeyed us with the same frequency with which we disobey God.
- God is the ultimate thrill ride.  He leads us from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, upside-down, backwards, and back again.  The ride is terrifying in the moment but leads us to the greatest exhilaration we will ever know.  

And that is all for now.  I hope you have enjoyed today's episode of As the Blog Turns (Ha!) and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.  

1 comment:

  1. WOW fantastic and creative descriptions that I enjoyed reading. You have captured some great new expressions of who God is. Love you
